Mame munu dile

Foto: Brazzaville, Republíki ya KongóKizizi: Kintombi, Repubilika ya KôngoPicture: Brazzaville, Republic of CongoImage by Creative Studio, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Origin: Congo 🇨🇩🇨🇬 Kongó / KôngoLanguage: Kikongo

Mame munu dile


Mame munu dile, yaya

Mame munu dile mama

Muana beto wendele muku dile, yaya

Mame munu dile yaya

Muana beto wendele Kinsuka yaya

Muana beto wendele Mbenseke yaya

Muana beto wendele kisele yaya

Noko Mose wendele Kinsuka yaya

Mame munu dile yaya (Mama le le le) 

Mame munu dile mama (Mama le le le) 

Muana beto wendele muku dile yaya (Nzambi kaka kualuzolo sinom no)

Mame munu dile yaya

Mame muana dile yaya 

Mame muana dile yaya 

Papa Ley wendele mudile yaya 

Noko Moto wendele mudile, eh yaya


Mama le le le le le le mudile mama 

Lolo lile le le le au ciel l'est mama 

Le le le le le le le au ciel l'est mama 

Muana mama wendele kudile, eh yaya


Mother, I am crying


Mother, I am crying, oh my

Mother, I am crying, mama

Our child is gone, we are crying for him, oh my

Mother I am crying

Our child is gone, we're going to bury him in Kinsuka

Our child is gone, we're going to bury him in Mbenseke

Our child is gone to soon

Uncle Mose was buried in Kinsuka

Mother, I am crying, oh my (Mama cries)

Mother, I am crying, mama (Mother cries)

Our child is gone, we are crying for him, oh my (Only God knows)

Mother I am crying

Mother, the child is crying

Mother, the child is crying

Papa Ley died and we cried

Uncle Moto died and we cried


Mama, I am crying, mama

(The child is going) to heaven, mama

(The child is going) to heaven, mama

Mama's child left and we're crying


Translated by Caleb-Vaughan Jones