Deio Bach

Llun: Llong hwylio ym machlud haulPictured: A sailboat in the sunset
Origin: Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Cymru
Language: Welsh

Deio Bach

Fersiwn Gwilym Bowen Rhys

Magais fachgen bach ac annwyl

Ar fy mron mewn trafferth mawr

Deio ti yw’r bachgen hwnnw

Sgwn i ble yr wyt ti nawr

Aml iawn rwyt ar y meddwl

Fachgen annwyl wyt ti’n iach?

Os nad yw yn ormod gofyn

Danfon lythyr Deio Bach

Caled yw fy nhamaid bara

Ie calon iawn a phrin

Tra mae mhlentyn mi obeithiaf

Gyda’i fara gwenith gwyn

Tra fod di fy annwyl blentyn

Wrth dy fwrdd heb nych na nam

Os nad yw yn ormod gofyn

Cofio damaid gwael dy fam

Os nad elli ddyfod trosodd

Os nad elli’m helpu ddim

Meddiaf ofyn un peth i ti

‘Falle rho di hwnnw im

Carreg fedd nid wy’n ei gofyn

Gormod hyn gan hiraeth iach

Dyro ddeigryn wrth fy nghofio

Dim ond deigryn Deio Bach

Little Deio

As sung by Gwilym Bowen Rhys

I raised a little and dear boy

on my bosom with great trouble.

Deio, you are that boy,

I wonder where you are now.

You are often on my mind,

Dear boy, are you healthy?

If it isn’t too much to ask,

Send a letter, little Deio.

My piece of bread is hard,

Yes, it's very hard and spotted

Whilse my child, I do hope

has bread of white wheat.

My dear boy, whilst you are by your table

without sickness or weakness,

if it isn’t too much to ask,

remember about your mother’s poor morsels of food.

If you can’t come over,

If you can’t assist me in any way,

I dare to ask you one thing,

maybe you will give me that -

I’m not asking for a grave stone,

this is too much, despite the longing farewell,

just shed a tear in my memory,

only a tear little Deio.