Pan O'wn Y Gwanwyn

Llun / Pictured: Cwmparc, Rhondda Cynon Taf
Origin: Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Cymru
Language: Welsh

Pan O'wn y Gwanwyn

Pan o’wn y gwanwyn ar uchelfryn

Yn gwylio’r defaid gyda’r ŵyn

Clywn lais fy nghariad bêr ei chaniad

Yn seinio’n llawen yn y llwyn

Oedd gwawr llawenydd ar ei deurydd

O mor hardd ei lliw a’i llun

A minnau’n syllu ac ymhyfrydu

Gan hardded hwyl fy annwyl fun

Aeth pob gofalon o fy nghalon

Yn sŵn y seiniau mwy na ‘rioed

A pheidiodd trydar mân y adar

Wrth wrando’r caniad dan y coed

Es draw i’r goedfron at fy ngwenfron

Rhois fy llaw i’r lana’i lliw

A thyngais lwon y byddwn ffyddlon

I’r fenws fwyn tra byddwn byw

When it was springtime

When it was springtime on the high hills

Looking at the sheep with the lambs

I hear my lover's sweet voice singing

Sounding happy in the ash trees

The dawn of happiness was on her cheeks

Oh, how lovely she looks!

Gazing upon her, I was delighted

By the beauty of my darling beloved

Every care in the world left my heart

Hearing the sound of sounds more than ever

And the birds stopped singing

Listening to my lover singing in the forest

I went through the wooded hillside to my Gwenfron

I gave my hand to the lovely lady

And I swore I would be faithful

To the fair Venus as long as I live